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Our Core Values

At Fluidity we embody wholistic healing. I spell it with the “W” because this practice encompasses the wholeness of our being. This includes our mind, body and spirit; our environment; our spirit body, energetic body and physical body; as well as everything outside and inbetween. Every aspect of how we live our lives, the way we talk to ourselves and others, the foods we eat and how we treat our body, the way we feel, the people we do or don’t allow in our lives, all play a part in where we are on our journey. We are forever growing; the question is which direction are we growing in?

The most sacred knowledge is not written down. It is earned and obtained through years of apprenticeship.

Remain open minded and see the God in every person/thing. When we look at the world with child-like eyes (a willingness to learn), we invite growth. When we see the God in every person/thing, we honor and respect life in every form.

Remain Free. In order to invite love, we have to be willing to be vulnerable, we have to be willing to give and receive freely. Freedom is in the mind and no matter what is going on around us, we can choose freedom by remaining steadfast in our endeavors and not being afraid of outside consequences.

Everything we need, we have access to. Indigenous cultures know how to connect with mother earth for knowledge on healing, harvesting and how to use and honor the elements. It is important to know how to thrive on this earth as well as in our society.

We are what we say we are. Our words have power. The vibrations and frequencies from the sounds we release can bring healing or destruction. We choose our path.

Above all, know thyself. Obtaining knowledge of self is the ultimate form of self-love. When we know who we are, outside words and forces are not able to distract us. We understand our Purusarthas (4 aims of life) and tap into our highest, most fulfilling life.

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